Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Add a Product Data Tab in WooCommerce?

How Do I Add a Product Data Tab in WooCommerce?

Last updated on December 23, 2022 @ 7:05 pm

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, you know that product data is critical. This data helps you track inventory, manage orders, and keep your customers informed.

By default, WooCommerce displays product data in a single tab on the product page. But what if you want to add additional tabs?

Adding additional tabs to the WooCommerce product page is a great way to organize your product data and keep your customers informed. There are two ways to add additional tabs: using the WooCommerce Product Data Tabs plugin, or by adding code to your child theme.

Using the WooCommerce Product Data Tabs Plugin

The easiest way to add additional tabs to the WooCommerce product page is by using the WooCommerce Product Data Tabs plugin. This plugin allows you to easily add custom tabs to the product page, without having to edit any code.

Simply install and activate the plugin, then go to WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Product Data Tabs. From here, you can add as many tabs as you like, and reorder them however you want.

Adding Tabs via Code

If you prefer not to use a plugin, you can also add custom tabs by adding code to your child theme. First, you’ll need to create a new file in your child theme directory called single-product-tabs.php. Then, copy and paste the following code into that file:

// Add custom tabs
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_new_product_tab' );
function woo_new_product_tab( $tabs ) {
// Adds the new tab
$tabs['test_tab'] = array( 'title' =&gt; __( 'New Tab', 'woocommerce' ),
'priority' =&gt; 50,
'tab_id' =&gt; 'new-id',
// ID must be unique! 'default' =&gt; true, );<!--?php
// Add custom tabs
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_new_product_tab' );
function woo_new_product_tab( $tabs ) {
// Adds the new tab 
$tabs['test_tab'] = array( 'title' =&gt; __( 'New Tab', 'woocommerce' ),
'priority' =&gt; 50,
'tab_id' =&gt; 'new-id',
// ID must be unique! 'default' =&gt; true, );
return $tabs;
} ?-->

In this code, we’ve added a new tab called “New Tab”. You can change the title of the tab by changing the value of ‘title’.

You can also change the priority of the tab (how it’s ordered on the page) by changing the value of ‘priority’. Finally, you can change the tab ID by changing the value of ‘tab_id’.

PRO TIP: Adding a product data tab in WooCommerce can be done by following the steps in this article. However, it is important to note that if you are not careful, you could unintentionally add products to your WooCommerce store that are not compatible with your theme or plugins. This could cause serious errors on your website. Therefore, it is advised that you create a backup of your site before proceeding.

Adding Content to Your New Tab

Now that you’ve added a new tab, it’s time to add some content to it. To do this, simply edit your single-product-tabs.php file and replace the code above with this:

// Add custom tabs
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'woo_new_product_tab' );
function woo_new_product_tab( $tabs ) {
// Adds he new tab
$tabs['test_tab'] = array( 'title' =&gt; __( 'New Tab', 'woocommerce' ),
'priority' => 50, 'callback' => 'woo_new_product_tab_content' );
return $tabs; } //
// The new tab content function woo_new_product_tab_content() {
echo '<h2>New Tab Content</h2>
<p>Here's some content for my new tab!</p>>';
} ?>
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.