Website Building » Shopify » Where Does My Shopify Money Go?

Where Does My Shopify Money Go?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:21 pm

As a Shopify merchant, you may be wondering where your Shopify payments go. When you make a sale, Shopify will take its standard 2.9% + $0.30 transaction fee, and then the rest of your payment will be deposited directly into your bank account.

Shopify is just like any other payment processor in that respect. However, there are a few key differences that make Shopify stand out from the rest. First, Shopify offers its own payment gateway, which is called Shopify Payments. This gateway is powered by Stripe, and it allows you to accept credit card payments directly on your store without having to set up a third-party processor.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about using Shopify to sell products online, be aware that there is no guarantee that you will make any money.

While Shopify provides a platform for you to create an online store, it is up to you to drive traffic to your store and convert visitors into customers.

There are many factors that will affect your success, including the quality of your products, the price point you set, the marketing strategies you use, and more.

Don’t expect to make money overnight with Shopify. It takes time, effort, and dedication to build a successful online business. But if you’re willing to put in the work, Shopify can be a great way to sell products and make money online.

Another key difference is that Shopify will also automatically deposit your payouts into your bank account every 2 days.

This is a huge benefit for merchants who need their money quickly to keep their business running smoothly.

Finally,Shopify also offers fraud protection for all orders processed through Shopify Payments. This means that if an order is fraudulent, you will not be held responsible for the charges. This is a great perk that not all payment processors offer.

In conclusion, when you make a sale on Shopify, your payments go to Shopify first. Shopify takes its standard 2.30 transaction fee out of each sale, and then the rest of the money is deposited into your bank account every 2 days. Additionally, Shopify offers its own payment gateway and fraud protection for all orders processed through its platform.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.