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How Can I See My Fiverr Gig Views?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:36 am

If you’re a Fiverr seller, you may be wondering how you can see how many views your Gig has. Fortunately, there’s a way to do just that.

To see how many views your Gig has, log in to your Fiverr account and go to My Gigs. Then, click on the Gig you want to view the stats for.

On the Gig page, you’ll see a section called Views. This is where you can view the number of views your Gig has gotten.

Keep in mind that the number of views your Gig has isn’t necessarily indicative of how well it’s doing. It’s possible for a Gig with fewer views to generate more sales than a Gig with more views. However, if you notice that your Gig isn’t getting many views, it’s worth taking a look at your Gig title, tags, and description to see if there’s anything you can change to help it get more exposure.

PRO TIP: If you are looking for a way to see how many views your Fiverr gig has, be warned that there is no guaranteed way to do this. While there are some methods that claim to be able to track this information, such as using third-party analytics tools, Fiverr does not make it easy to track this data. As a result, it is difficult to say for sure how many people have viewed your gig.

If you’re not sure how to optimize your Gig for better visibility, check out this article from the Fiverr Academy.

How Can I See My Fiverr Gig Views?

To see how many views your Gig has, log in to your Fiverr account and go to My Gigs. Then, click on the Gig you want to view the stats for.

On the Gig page, you’ll see a section called Views.

Keep in mind that the number of views your Gig has isn’t necessarily indicative of how well it’s doing.

If you’re not sure how to optimize your Gig for better visibility, check out this article from the Fiverr Academy.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.