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What Is MemberSpace in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 2:13 am

What Is MemberSpace in Squarespace?

MemberSpace is an add-on to Squarespace that allows you to create a membership site. With MemberSpace, you can restrict access to certain pages and content on your site to members only. MemberSpace also allows you to sell memberships and take payments, manage member profiles, and more.

If you’re thinking of creating a membership site, or are already running one, then MemberSpace is definitely worth considering. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what MemberSpace is and how it works.

How Does MemberSpace Work?

MemberSpace works by adding an extra layer of protection to your content. When you enable MemberSpace on a page or piece of content, only people who are logged in as members will be able to view it. Non-members will be redirected to a login page (or the page where they can purchase a membership).

This extra layer of protection is added using a technology called “iframe” which is supported by all major browsers. Iframe is a way of embedding one website into another.

When you enable MemberSpace on your site, we actually create a copy of the protected page on our own servers and embed it into your site using an iframe. This means that the protected content is never actually stored on your own servers (so even if someone hacks your site, they won’t be able to get at the protected content).

PRO TIP: This article is about a third-party service called MemberSpace that integrates with Squarespace. While we don’t have any specific concerns about this service, we wanted to make sure our members were aware of it and its capabilities.

What Can I Protect With MemberSpace?

Any type of content can be protected with MemberSpace, including pages, blog posts, images, PDFs, audio files, and video files. You can also protect entire sections of your site, such as your blog or shop.

How Do I Sell Memberships?

MemberSpace makes it easy to sell memberships to your site. You can choose to sell memberships on a monthly or yearly basis, or set up a one-time payment for lifetime access. You can also offer discounts for multiple memberships, or give memberships away for free.

Payment processing is handled by Stripe, so you’ll need to create a Stripe account in order to start taking payments. Don’t worry – it’s free to create an account and there are no setup fees. Stripe will charge you a small percentage of each transaction as a processing fee.

Once you’ve set up your membership levels and payments,MemberSpace will generate some code for you which you can add to your site. This code will add the necessary buttons and forms for taking payments and managing memberships. Alternatively, if you’re not comfortable adding code to your site yourself, we can do it for you (for an additional fee).

So What Is MemberSpace In Squarespace?

Simply put – MemberSpace is an add-on for Squarespace that allows you to create a membership site. With MemberSpace activated on your Squarespace site, you can restrict access to certain pages and content to members only. This is perfect for creating paid courses, subscription content, gated communities and more.

If you’re thinking of creating a membership site (or are already running one), then MemberSapce is definitely worth considering.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.