Web Development » Fiverr » How Do I Accept a Request on Fiverr?

How Do I Accept a Request on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 29, 2022 @ 1:39 am

Fiverr is a great platform for freelancers to find work and make money. However, before you can start working on a project, you need to accept the request from the buyer. This can be done easily by following these steps:

1. Log into your Fiverr account and go to the ‘Requests’ tab. 2. Find the request that you want to accept and click on it.

3. On the request page, click on the ‘Accept Offer’ button. 4. Once you have accepted the request, you will be taken to the ‘My Projects’ tab where you can start working on the project.

By following these simple steps, you can easily accept a request on Fiverr and start earning money!

PRO TIP: If you are considering accepting a request on Fiverr, be aware that there are scammers who use the platform to take advantage of unsuspecting freelancers. Be sure to research the person or company making the request, and only accept requests from those that you feel comfortable working with.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.