Web Development » UpWork » How Much Is It to Buy Connects on UpWork?

How Much Is It to Buy Connects on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 8:52 pm

If you’re a freelancer, then you know that one of the most important things is to have a strong online presence. And UpWork is one of the best places to do that. But how much does it cost to buy connects on UpWork?

For those not familiar with UpWork, it’s a freelancing platform that allows businesses to post projects and freelancers to bid on them. Once a freelancer is hired, they’re given what’s called a “connect.” Connects are basically like currency on UpWork – they allow you to bid on projects.

The cost of connects depends on how many you buy at once. The more connects you purchase, the lower the price per connect.

For example, if you buy 10 connects, it’ll cost you $0.60 per connect. But if you buy 50 connects, the price per connect drops to $0.30.

So how much should you spend on connects? That really depends on your budget and your needs.

If you’re just starting out on UpWork, you may want to purchase a smaller package of 10 or 20 connects. But if you’re an experienced freelancer who’s looking to land more high-paying projects, then buying a larger package of 50 or 100 connects may be a better investment.

Ultimately, the decision of how many connects to purchase comes down to your own personal circumstances. But whatever you decide, remember that the price per connect goes down the more you buy!

How Much Is It To Buy Connects On UpWork?

It really depends on how many you want to buy at once! The more connects
you purchase, the lower the price per connect will be. For example, if
you were to buy 10 connects, it would cost $0.60 per connect total- but
if you bought 50 connects instead, the price per connect drops down
to $0.

In conclusion, whether or not buying Connects is worth it depends entirely on your budget and needs. If
you’re just starting out as a freelancer, buying fewer may be better so
you can get a feel for how UpWork works before investing too much money
into it. On the other hand, if you’re an experienced freelancer looking
to score some high-paying jobs, buying more Connects could be worth your

PRO TIP: If you are considering purchasing connects on Upwork, be aware that the price is variable and can change without notice. Additionally, purchasing connects does not guarantee that you will be able to successfully hire a freelancer – it simply gives you access to the platform’s database of freelancers.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.