Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Remove the Page Title in WooCommerce?

How Do I Remove the Page Title in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:48 pm

There are a few ways that you can remove the page title in WooCommerce. One way is to simply edit the template file that contains the title. Another way is to use a plugin or filter to remove the title.

If you want to remove the title by editing the template file, you will need to access the WooCommerce folder in your theme. Once you have found this folder, look for the file called “single-product.php”. Once you have found this file, open it up in a text editor and find the line that says:

get_title(); ?>

All you need to do is delete this line of code or comment it out by adding // before it.

Once you have done this, save the file and upload it to your server. The title should now be removed from your product pages.

Another way that you can remove the title is by using a plugin or filter. If you are using a plugin, there are many different plugins available that can help you with this task. One plugin that you can use is called “WooCommerce Product Page Customizer”. This plugin will allow you to remove the title from your product pages without having to edit any code.

PRO TIP: Removing the page title in WooCommerce can result in errors on your website. It is strongly advised that you do not remove the page title in WooCommerce.

If you want to use a filter to remove the title, you can add the following code to your functions.php file:

add_filter( ‘woocommerce_show_page_title’, ‘__return_false’ );

This code will tell WooCommerce not to show the page title on your product pages. You can also add this code to a site-specific plugin or your child theme’s functions.php file.

How Do I Remove The Page Title In WooCommerce?

There are a few ways that you can remove the page title in WooCommerce.

Removing The Page Title By Editing The Template File

  1. Access The WooCommerce Folder In Your Theme
  2. Look For The File Called “single-product.php”
  3. Open Up The File In A Text Editor And Find The Line That Says: “get_title(); ?>”
  4. Delete This Line Of Code Or Comment It Out By Adding // Before It.
  5. Save The File And Upload It To Your Server.

Removing The Page Title By Using A Plugin Or Filter

  1. Use A Plugin: There Are Many Different Plugins Available That Can Help You With This Task.
    One Plugin That You Can Use Is Called “WooCommerce Product Page Customizer”.
    This Plugin Will Allow You To Remove The Title From Your Product Pages Without Having To Edit Any Code.
  2. >Use A Filter: Add The Following Code To Your functions.php File.
    add_filter( 'woocommerce_show_page_title', '__return_false' );
Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.