Website Building » Shopify » What Is a Shopify Product Variant?

What Is a Shopify Product Variant?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 4:40 pm

Shopify product variants are a great way to offer your customers more choice when it comes to the products they purchase from your store. By offering different variants of the same product, you can give your customers the opportunity to choose the perfect product for their needs.

Shopify product variants can be created for any type of product, including physical goods, digital products, and services. To create a variant, simply go to the Products page in your Shopify admin and click on the Add variant button. From there, you can select the product you want to create a variant for and enter the details of the variant, such as its name, price, and SKU.

Once you’ve created a variant, it will appear in the Variants section of the product page. From here, you can edit the variant’s details, delete the variant, or add more variants.

What Is a Shopify Product Variant?

A Shopify product variant is a type of product that is offered in different versions or styles. For example, a t-shirt might come in different sizes and colors. By offering variants of your products, you can give your customers more choice and help them find the perfect product for their needs.

PRO TIP: If you are planning on using Shopify to sell products, it is important to understand what a product variant is. A product variant is a slightly different version of a product, such as a different color or size. Each variant has its own SKU, price, and inventory level. If you do not correctly set up your product variants, you may end up with incorrect pricing or inventory levels for your products.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.