Web Development » UpWork » What Challenging Part of This Job Are You Most Experienced in UpWork Answer?

What Challenging Part of This Job Are You Most Experienced in UpWork Answer?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:06 pm

As an UpWork contractor, I have a lot of experience with the challenges that this job can bring. The most challenging part of this job for me is the communication with clients.

I have to be very clear and concise in my communication with clients, so that they understand what I am saying and don’t get confused. This can be difficult at times, but I have gotten better at it with practice.

PRO TIP: When answering this question on Upwork, be honest about the challenges you have faced in previous roles. Do not exaggerate your experience or try to make yourself sound more experienced than you are. This will only lead to disappointment down the road.

The other challenging part of this job is managing my time. I have to make sure that I am using my time wisely and not procrastinating, so that I can get the work done that I need to. This can be difficult, but I have gotten better at it with practice as well.

Overall, the most challenging part of this job for me is the communication with clients. However, I have gotten better at it with practice and I am confident that I can continue to improve in this area.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.