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What Happens When You Hit Hire on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:09 pm

When you post a job on UpWork, you’re essentially opening up your project to a global pool of freelancers. You can browse through profiles and portfolios, interview candidates, and ultimately hire the freelancer you think is best suited for your project. But what happens after you hit that “Hire” button?

For starters, the freelancer you just hired will be notified of your decision and given access to all the relevant project files and information. From there, it’s up to you to work with your new hire to get the project off the ground. This usually involves some back-and-forth communication to iron out the details and make sure everyone is on the same page.

Once you’ve established a good working relationship with your new freelancer, they will start work on the project. This is where things can get a little more hands-off for you, as you can simply sit back and wait for progress reports (which you should still review and provide feedback on, of course).

PRO TIP: There are a few things to be aware of when you hit the ‘Hire’ button on Upwork. First, make sure you clearly understand the scope of work to be completed and have a detailed contract in place. Next, be prepared to pay a service fee (typically 10-20%) on top of the agreed upon rate. Finally, remember that once you hire someone on Upwork, they are considered an independent contractor – not an employee. This means that you will be responsible for managing the project and ensuring that deadlines are met, but will not have the same level of control as you would with an employee.

As work progresses, you may find yourself needing to provide more direction or answer more questions from your freelancer. This is perfectly normal – just remember to be patient and clear in your communications. After all, they are trying their best to deliver what you’ve asked for.

Eventually, the project will reach a point where it is complete (or “done enough” for your purposes). At this stage, it’s time for final payment and feedback. Be sure to leave a review for your freelancer – this helps them out a lot, and may even result in them getting more work in the future.


Hiring through UpWork is a great way to find skilled workers from all over the world. The process is simple and straightforward, and there are plenty of resources available to help you get started. Just remember that once you hit that “Hire” button, you’ll need to take some time to manage your new freelancer and help them deliver the results you need.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.