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What Is Badge on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:15 pm

Badge on UpWork is a feature that allows freelancers to showcase their skills and expertise. It is a quick and easy way for potential clients to see what freelancers are capable of, and it can help them make informed decisions when hiring. There are three types of badges on UpWork:

1. Skill Badges

These badges are designed to showcase a freelancer’s skills and expertise in a particular area. They are awarded based on tests taken on UpWork, and they can be earned in both the General Skills and the English Language Skills categories.

There are currently over 60 skill badges that can be earned on UpWork.

2. Top Rated Badges

These badges are awarded to the top-rated freelancers in each category, based on client feedback. There are currently four Top Rated badges that can be earned on UpWork: Top Rated Freelancer, Top Rated Agency, Top Rated Rising Talent, and Top Rated Mobile Expert.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with Upwork, Badge is a feature that allows you to search for and contact potential freelancers. When you use Badge, you will be able to see a freelancer’s contact information, rate, and reviews.

However, it is important to note that Badge does not guarantee quality or reliability. There have been many reports of freelancers who use Badge to scam people out of money. Therefore, it is important to be very careful when using this feature.

3. Specialty Badges

These badges are awarded to freelancers who have demonstrated exceptional performance in a particular area. There are currently four Specialty badges that can be earned on UpWork: High-Volume Hiring, Recruiter, Translation Pro, and WordPress Pro.

What Is Badge on UpWork?
Badge on UpWork is a feature that allows freelancers to showcase their skills and expertise. There are three types of badges on UpWork: Skill Badges, Top Rated Badges, and Specialty Badges.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.