Web Development » UpWork » Where Are the Tests on UpWork?

Where Are the Tests on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:27 pm

As the leading platform for online work, UpWork is always testing new features to make sure that freelancers and clients have the best possible experience. Sometimes these tests are small and only visible to a few users, while other times they’re more widespread.

Right now, we’re testing a new way for freelancers to submit proposals, as well as a new way for clients to give feedback on those proposals. These tests are designed to help freelancers better understand what clients are looking for, and to help clients save time by getting more relevant proposals.

PRO TIP: There is no guarantee that the freelancer you hire on Upwork will have the skills or experience you are looking for. Always request to see samples of their previous work and ask for references before hiring anyone.

If you’re a freelancer who’s been invited to participate in these tests, we encourage you to do so! Your feedback is essential in helping us improve UpWork.

And if you’re not currently seeing these tests but are interested in participating, keep an eye out – we may be rolling them out to more users in the future.

Where Are the Tests on UpWork?

At the moment, tests are only visible to a small group of users. However, if you’re interested in participating in these tests, keep an eye out – UpWork may be rolling them out to more users in the future.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.