Website Building » Shopify » When Should You Mark an Order as Fulfilled on Shopify?

When Should You Mark an Order as Fulfilled on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:03 pm

It is important to keep track of your inventory and mark orders as fulfilled on Shopify when they are shipped out. This allows you to keep track of what you have in stock and avoid overselling. It also lets your customers know that their order is on its way.

When you fulfill an order on Shopify, you can choose to mark it as shipped or partially shipped. If you mark it as shipped, the customer will receive an email notification that their order has been shipped. If you mark it as partially shipped, the customer will not receive an email notification.

PRO TIP: If you mark an order as fulfilled on Shopify before it has been shipped, the customer will receive a notification that their order has been shipped. This may cause confusion or frustration for the customer, so it is important to only mark orders as fulfilled after they have been shipped.

If you are using a fulfillment service, you can choose to mark orders as fulfilled when they are received by the fulfillment service. This allows you to keep track of your inventory levels and ensures that customers do not receive email notifications about their orders until they are actually shipped.


It is important to keep track of your inventory and mark orders as fulfilled on Shopify when they are shipped out.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.