Website Building » Wix » How Do Columns Work in Wix?

How Do Columns Work in Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:52 am

Columns are a great way to organize content on your website. They can be used to create a grid layout, or to simply group content together. Here’s how they work:

When you add a column element to your page, you can specify the number of columns you want it to have. The column element will then automatically divide itself up into that many columns. Each column will be the same width, and they will all be aligned horizontally.


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PRO TIP: Please be aware that the article ‘How Do Columns Work in Wix?’ may contain outdated or incorrect information.

You can then add content to each column. This can be anything from text and images, to other elements like buttons or forms. The content will automatically flow from one column to the next, until it reaches the end of the column element.

If you want to change the way your columns are laid out, you can do so by going into the element’s settings. Here you can change the number of columns, as well as their widths and alignment. You can also add responsive breakpoints, so that your columns will rearrange themselves on different screen sizes.

Conclusion: Columns are a great way to organize content on your website. You can use them to create a grid layout, or simply group content together.

To add a column element, go to the Add Element menu and select Columns from the list. Then specify the number of columns you want it to have. The column element will automatically divide itself up into that many columns.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.