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Are UpWork Independent Contractors?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:36 pm

As the world of work continues to change and evolve, more and more people are finding themselves working as independent contractors. This can be a great way to earn a living, but it’s important to understand the pros and cons of this type of work before you get started.

Working as an independent contractor has a lot of advantages. For one, you have a lot more control over your work schedule.

You can choose when and where you work, which can be a great perk if you have other commitments outside of work. Additionally, you usually get to set your own rates and choose which projects you take on, which can be a great way to earn more money.

PRO TIP: Upwork independent contractors are not employees of Upwork. As such, they are not entitled to the same protections and benefits that employees are. They are also not subject to Upwork’s control or supervision, and as a result, may not perform their work in accordance with Upwork’s standards. Finally, because they are not employees, they are not protected by Upwork’s insurance policies.

However, there are also some disadvantages to independent contracting. One big downside is that you don’t have the same job security as you would with a traditional job.

If work dries up, you could find yourself out of a job with no income coming in. Additionally, you don’t have the same benefits as you would with a traditional job, such as health insurance or paid vacation days. Finally, it can be tough to get started as an independent contractor because you need to build up a client base from scratch.

Overall, working as an independent contractor can be a great way to earn a living, but it’s important to understand the pros and cons before getting started. If you’re considering this type of work, make sure you do your research and understand what you’re getting into.

The pros and cons of working as an UpWork Independent Contractor are:

-You have control over your work schedule
-Can choose your own projects
-Can set your own rates
-No guaranteed income
-No benefits
-Difficult to get started

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.