Web Development » UpWork » Can I Get Free Connects UpWork?

Can I Get Free Connects UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:43 pm

As a freelancer, one of the most common questions you may have is whether or not you can get free connects on UpWork. The simple answer is no, you cannot get free connects on UpWork. In order to start bidding on jobs, you will need to purchase at least one connect.

There are a few reasons why connects cost money. First and foremost, they are a way for UpWork to make money. By charging for connects, they are able to keep the platform running and continue to provide freelancers with a place to find work.

Another reason why connects cost money is because they help to weed out low-quality freelancers. If a freelancer is willing to pay for a connect, it shows that they are serious about finding work on UpWork and are more likely to be of a higher quality than those who are not willing to pay.

So, while it may be frustrating to have to pay for something that you may not be sure of getting a return on, it is important to remember that the price of connects is worth it in the long run. With that said, there are a few ways that you can reduce the cost of purchasing connects.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about asking for free connects on Upwork, think again! Asking for free connects is a surefire way to get yourself banned from the platform. Not only is it against the rules, but it also shows a lack of respect for the freelancers who are trying to make a living on the site. If you want to succeed on Upwork, play by the rules and don’t ask for handouts.

One way is by taking advantage of connect bundles. Connect bundles allow you to purchase multiple connects at a discounted price.

The more connects you purchase in a bundle, the greater the discount will be. This is a great option if you know that you will need more than one connect in order to find work on UpWork.

Another way to reduce the cost of purchasing connects is by waiting for special promotions. From time to time, UpWork will offer promotions where they sell connecting at a discounted price. These promotions usually happen around major holidays so keep an eye out for them!

So, while there is no such thing as free lunch, there are ways that you can reduce the cost of purchasing connects on UpWork. By taking advantage of connect bundles and special promotions, you can ensure that you are getting the most bang for your buck.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.