Website Building » Shopify » What Is Shopify App Bridge?

What Is Shopify App Bridge?

Last updated on January 8, 2023 @ 5:00 pm

Shopify App Bridge is a JavaScript library that allows you to embed your Shopify App into Shopify Admin. It provides a set of React components that render your app’s UI and a set of APIs that expose the functionality of your app to the Shopify Admin. You can use App Bridge in any JavaScript project, whether it’s a single-page app, a hybrid app, or even a server-rendered app.

Shopify App Bridge is a JavaScript library that allows you to embed your Shopify App into Shopify Admin.

The App Bridge library consists of two parts:

  • React components that render your app’s UI. These components are provided by the @shopify/app-bridge-react package.
  • APIs that expose the functionality of your app to the Shopify Admin. These APIs are provided by the @shopify/app-bridge package.

In order to use App Bridge in your project, you need to create an instance of the library and pass it an API key.

The API key is used to authenticate your app with Shopify. You can generate an API key from the Apps section of the Shopify Partner Dashboard.

Once you have created an instance of App Bridge, you can use it to access any of the APIs that are exposed by the library. For example, you can use the Loading API to show a loading indicator when making asynchronous calls, or the Alert API to display messages to the user.

PRO TIP: Shopify App Bridge is a JavaScript library that allows you to embed your Shopify app in Shopify admin. It lets you create modals, drawers, and pages within the Shopify admin interface. It also allows you to access the Admin API.

Shopify App Bridge is in beta and subject to change. Use it at your own risk.

What Is Shopify App Bridge?

Shopify App Bridge is a JavaScript library that allows you to embed your Shopify App into Shopify Admin.

You can use App Bridge in any JavaScript project, whether it’s a single-page app, a hybrid app, or even a server-rendered app.

The App Bridge library consists of two parts:

  • React components: that render your app’s UI, or even a server-rendered.
    For example, you can use the Loading API to show a loading indicator when making asynchronous calls, or the Alert API to display messages to the user.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.