Website Building » WooCommerce » Is WooCommerce a Company?

Is WooCommerce a Company?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:41 pm

WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress that allows you to turn your WordPress site into an online store. WooCommerce is a company that provides this plugin and other eCommerce solutions.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that WooCommerce is not a company, but rather a plugin for WordPress. While we appreciate the enthusiasm, please be careful when making any assumptions about WooCommerce based on this information.

WooCommerce is a great solution for those who want to set up an online store but don’t want to put in the time and effort to build one from scratch. With WooCommerce, you can get your store up and running quickly and easily.

WooCommerce is a very versatile platform and can be used for a wide variety of products and services. If you’re thinking about setting up an online store, WooCommerce is definitely worth considering.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.