Web Development » UpWork » Can We Share Contact on UpWork?

Can We Share Contact on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 9:57 pm

The simple answer is “no”, you cannot share contact information on UpWork. That includes email addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles, and any other personal information that could be used to identify or contact someone.

There are a few reasons for this. First and foremost, UpWork is a platform that connects freelancers with clients. In order to protect both parties, it’s important that there is a clear boundary between them.

If freelancers were able to share their contact information freely, it would be very easy for clients to bypass UpWork and hire freelancers directly. This would not only cut out UpWork’s fees, but it would also mean that the freelancer would no longer be protected by UpWork’s terms of service.

PRO TIP: If you share contact information with another user on Upwork, please be aware that Upwork does not control how that user may use your information. Please use caution when sharing any personal information, including your email address, phone number, or other contact information.

Secondly, sharing contact information would open the door to a lot of spam and unsolicited messages. Imagine if every time you posted a job on UpWork, you started getting emails and calls from dozens of freelancers trying to sell you their services.

It would quickly become very overwhelming and make it difficult to find the right freelancer for the job. By keeping contact information private, UpWork helps to ensure that only relevant messages are sent to clients.

So while you may be tempted to share your contact information with a freelancer you’ve found on UpWork, it’s important to remember that doing so is against the site’s rules and can lead to some serious consequences. If you need to get in touch with someone outside of UpWork, there are plenty of other ways to do so (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, etc).

The bottom line is that you cannot share contact information on UpWork in order to protect both clients and freelancers.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.