Website Building » Wix » What Happens if You Unpublish a Wix Website?

What Happens if You Unpublish a Wix Website?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:22 am

If you unpublish your Wix website, it will no longer be visible online and will only be viewable to you (the site owner). Any changes you make will only be visible to you as well. If you republish your site, it will be live and viewable to the public again.

You may be wondering why you would ever unpublish your Wix website. There are a few reasons why you might do this:


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  • You’re not ready for the world to see it yet: Unpublishing is great if you’re still working on your site and not quite ready to share it with the world. You can unpublish and then republish when you’re ready.
  • You want to take a break: If you need a break from working on your site, you can unpublish it.

    This way, it won’t be live while you’re taking a hiatus.

  • You want to make major changes: If you want to make significant changes to your site, it’s best to unpublish it first. That way, visitors won’t see the changes until they’re finished. You can also use this method to redesign your entire site.

There are a few things to keep in mind if you unpublish your Wix website:

PRO TIP: If you unpublish your Wix website, it will no longer be visible online and people will not be able to access it. Your website will be removed from the Wix servers and you will need to republish it if you want it to go live again.
  • Your domain will remain active: Even if you unpublish your Wix site, your domain will remain active. If you purchased a domain from Wix, you can still use it even if your site is unpublished.
  • You’ll still be charged for any premium services: If you have any paid plans or services through Wix (such as a premium plan or an eCommerce plan), you will still be charged even if your site is unpublished.
  • Your data will remain intact: Unpublishing your site will not delete any of your content or data.

    If you decide to republish at a later time, all of your content will still be there.

So what happens if you unpublish a Wix website?

Your website is no longer viewable by the public, but all of your content and data remains intact. You can republish at any time.

If you have any paid plans or services through Wix, such as a premium plan or an eCommerce plan, those charges will continue even while your site is unpublished.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.