Website Building » Wix » What Happens When You Publish a Website on Wix?

What Happens When You Publish a Website on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:23 am

When you publish a website on Wix, your site becomes visible to everyone on the internet. Your site is hosted on Wix servers and has a unique URL that you can share with others.

Wix takes care of all the technical aspects of hosting your website, so you can focus on creating a beautiful site that represents your brand and showcases your products or services.


Exciting update! We've collaborated with Wix to offer WBI users with a free plan for all website creation needs - Explore the details here.

Publishing your site is simple and only takes a few minutes. Once you publish, your site is live and available for anyone to view. You can make changes to your site at any time and republish it with just a few clicks.

PRO TIP: If you publish a website on Wix, it is possible that your site may not be accessible to some users. This is because Wix uses a proprietary platform that is not compatible with all web browsers. Additionally, your site may not be indexed by search engines, which could limit its visibility and impact.

What Happens When You Publish a Website on Wix?

When you publish a website on Wix, your site becomes visible to everyone on the internet.

Wix takes care of all the technical aspects of hosting your website, so you can focus on creating a beautiful site that represents your brand and showcases your products or services.

Publishing your site is simple and only takes a few minutes.


Publishing a website on Wix is quick, easy, and requires no technical knowledge. Your site will be hosted on Wix servers and will have a unique URL that you can share with others. Wix takes care of all the technical aspects of hosting your website, so you can focus on creating a beautiful and effective site.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.