Web Development » UpWork » Can You Message Someone on UpWork?

Can You Message Someone on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:03 pm

There are a few different ways to contact a freelancer on UpWork. The first is to use the public job board. If you post a job on the public job board, any freelancer can see it and can send you a message.

The second way is to search for freelancers and then contact them directly. To do this, go to the freelancers page and search for freelancers that match your skillset. Once you find someone that you want to work with, click on the “Contact” button and send them a message.

PRO TIP: If you are considering messaging someone on Upwork, be warned that this could be considered a violation of the terms of service. Upwork explicitly states that users are not allowed to contact each other outside of the platform, and doing so could result in your account being suspended.

The third way to contact a freelancer is to invite them to apply to your job. To do this, go to the jobs page and click on the “Invite Freelancers” button.

From there, you can search for freelancers and invite them to apply to your job. The fourth and final way to contact a freelancer is to hire them directly from their profile page. To do this, go to the freelancer’s profile page and click on the “Hire” button.

Can You Message Someone on UpWork?

Yes, there are four different ways that you can message someone on UpWork.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.