Web Development » UpWork » Can You Provide Email on UpWork?

Can You Provide Email on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:04 pm

There are a lot of questions about email on UpWork. Can you provide email on UpWork? The answer is yes, but there are some things to keep in mind.

First, when you sign up for UpWork, you create a username and password. This is what you will use to login to the site and access your account.

Your username is also your email address on UpWork. So, if you sign up with the username “johndoe@example.com”, that is also your UpWork email address.

Second, all communication on UpWork happens through the site. This includes messages between clients and freelancers, proposals, contract agreements, invoices, and more. All of these communications are stored securely on UpWork and can be accessed at any time by both parties.

Third, while you can use your own personal email address to sign up for UpWork, we recommend using an email address that is specific to UpWork. This will help to keep your account secure and will make it easier to access all of your communications in one place.

To sum it up, yes you can provide email on UpWork, but we recommend using an email address that is specific to UpWork for security purposes and to keep all of your communications in one place.

PRO TIP: This is a scam! The person wants your email so they can spam you with offers or worse, sell your information. Do not give this person your email address!
Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.