Website Building » Wix » Can I Use Copyrighted Music on Wix?

Can I Use Copyrighted Music on Wix?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:48 am

Copyrighted music is any music that is not in the public domain. Copyrighted music includes both compositions and recordings.

You need a license from the copyright owner(s) to use copyrighted music.


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There are two types of licenses you need to use copyrighted music: a synchronization license and a master use license. A synchronization license allows you to use a copyrighted song in timed relation with other visual images, like a movie, video, or PowerPoint presentation.

A master use license allows you to use a copyrighted recording of a song. You need both licenses to use a copyrighted song in most commercial applications, like on your website.

PRO TIP: You may not use copyrighted music on Wix without the permission of the copyright owner. Doing so may result in legal action against you.

You can’t get a synchronization or master use license for every song. The copyright owner may not want to grant you a license, or they may not be contactable.

In these cases, you can’t use the song on your website.

The best way to find out if you can use a particular song is to contact the copyright owner directly and ask for permission. You can also try searching for the song on a licensing website like Songfreedom. Licensing websites have pre-licensed songs from major copyright holders that you can use on your website without having to get separate licenses.

Can I Use Copyrighted Music on Wix?

You can only use copyrighted music on Wix if you have the appropriate licenses from the copyright holders. Licensing websites like Songfreedom have pre-licensed songs from major copyright holders that you can use on your website without having to get separate licenses.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.