Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Disable the Checkout Button in WooCommerce?

How Do I Disable the Checkout Button in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:13 pm

It’s no secret that WooCommerce is one of the most popular eCommerce platforms on the web. Its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features make it a top choice for online store owners.

One of the great things about WooCommerce is that it gives you a lot of control over the look and feel of your store. If you want to make a change, chances are you can do it yourself without having to hire a developer.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about disabling the checkout button in WooCommerce, be aware that this could have negative consequences for your business. Doing so could make it difficult for customers to complete their purchase, which could lead to lost sales and revenue.

One common question we get from WooCommerce users is how to disable the checkout button on their store. Maybe you’re running a sale and only want certain customers to be able to checkout, or maybe you’re not ready to launch your store yet and just want to test the waters with a few select people.

Whatever the reason, there’s a way to do it.

Here’s how to disable the checkout button in WooCommerce:

  1. Install the Code Snippets plugin. This will allow you to add custom code to your site without having to edit your theme files directly. It’s a good practice to use a plugin like this whenever possible, as it makes it easier to undo your changes if something goes wrong.
  2. Create a new code snippet. Go to Snippets > Add New. Give your snippet a title and paste the following code into the code editor:

add_filter( ‘woocommerce_is_checkout_enabled’, ‘__return_false’ );

  1. Save and activate your snippet. That’s it! The checkout button will now be disabled on your WooCommerce store.

If you need to disable the checkout button on your WooCommerce store for any reason, follow the steps above. It’s a quick and easy way to make sure that only certain customers can complete their purchase.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.