Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Export WooCommerce Products With Images and Categories?

How Do I Export WooCommerce Products With Images and Categories?

Last updated on January 20, 2023 @ 11:48 am

Do you have a WooCommerce store and want to move your products to another platform? Maybe you’re changing eCommerce platforms, or you want to create a product catalog on your website. Whatever the reason, if you need to export your WooCommerce products, this guide will help you do it.

Exporting WooCommerce products is not difficult, but it’s important to do it carefully so that all your product data comes through correctly. In this guide, we’ll show you how to export WooCommerce products with images and categories.

First, log in to your WordPress site and go to WooCommerce > Settings. On the Settings page, go to the Export tab.

On the Export tab, you’ll see two options: Products and Product Categories. Select the Products option.

You’ll be given two choices for exporting your products: CSV for Excel, OpenOffice Calc, or TSV for Excel. CSV files can be opened in Excel, while TSV files can be opened in Excel or OpenOffice Calc. Choose the file format that you want to use.

Once you’ve selected a file format, click the Download button. Your browser will start downloading a file called “woocommerce_products.csv”. This is your exported WooCommerce product data.

How Do I Export WooCommerce Products With Images and Categories?

In order to export both product information and images from WooCommerce, you will need to use a plugin like Product CSV Import Suite. This plugin allows you to export both data and images from WooCommerce into a CSV file.

To do this:
1) Install and activate the plugin
2) Go to Products > Product CSV Import Suite
3) Select Export Products
4) Choose what information you’d like to include in the export
5) Click Export Products
6) A CSV file will be downloaded which contains both product information and image URLs

PRO TIP: When exporting WooCommerce products with images and categories, be sure to first backup your database and export files. Next, export your products from WooCommerce in CSV format and save the file to your computer. Finally, use an FTP program to connect to your server and upload the exported CSV file to the /wp-content/uploads/ directory.
Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.