When you first sign up for Fiverr, you will be asked to create a profile. This profile will include your name, contact information, and a brief overview of your services.
Once you have created your profile, you will be able to browse through the different services offered on Fiverr. You can view all the services offered by a certain supplier, or you can search for a specific service.
When you find a service that you would like to offer, you will need to create a listing. A listing on Fiverr is a short description of the service that you are offering.
You will need to include the price of the service, the duration of the service, and the payment terms.
Once you have created your listing, you will need to get started marketing your service. You can use the Fiverr app to market your service, or you can use social media to market your service.
You will also need to create a website to host your service.
When you have created your listing, and you have started marketing your service, you will need to collect payments. You can collect payments through the Fiverr app, or you can collect payments through the website that you have created to host your service.
When you have collected payments, you will need to submit your invoice to Fiverr. You will need to include the price of the service, the duration of the service, and the payment terms.
Once you have submitted your invoice, you will receieve payment from Fiverr. You will receive payment in either the form of PayPal or bank transfer.
When you have received payment from Fiverr, you will have made a profit from your service.