Web Development » UpWork » How Do I End a Contract With UpWork?

How Do I End a Contract With UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 10:54 pm

UpWork is a great platform for freelancers to find work and get paid. However, there may come a time when you need to end a contract with a client. Here are some tips on how to do so:

1. Be Professional: Remember that you are a professional, and as such, you should always act in a professional manner. This includes being polite and respectful when communicating with your client, even if you are ending the contract.

2. Give Notice: Once you have decided to end the contract, be sure to give your client proper notice.

This means letting them know in advance so they can make other arrangements. Giving two weeks notice is standard, but you may want to give more depending on the situation.

3. Document Everything: Be sure to keep track of all communication with your client, as well as any work that has been completed. This will help if there are any disputes later on.

4. Get Paid: Before ending the contract, be sure to get paid for any work that has been completed. This includes any outstanding invoices as well as any work that has been completed but not yet invoiced.


Ending a contract with UpWork doesn’t have to be difficult. Just be professional, give notice, document everything, and get paid for any outstanding work. By following these simple tips, you can end your contract without any hassle.

PRO TIP: If you are considering ending your contract with Upwork, please be aware that there are some important steps you need to take in order to avoid any negative consequences.

First, you should always try to work out any problems you are having with your freelancer directly. If you are unable to reach a resolution, then you can proceed with ending the contract.

When ending a contract, it is important that you do so in a professional and courteous manner. You should avoid any type of negative feedback or comments about the freelancer.

Additionally, please be aware that if you end a contract prematurely, you may be responsible for paying any outstanding invoices. Upwork also reserves the right to remove your account from the platform if you violate their terms of service.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.