Website Building » Shopify » Is It Free to Be a Shopify Partner?

Is It Free to Be a Shopify Partner?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:29 pm

As a Shopify partner, you have access to a number of resources that can help you build and grow your business. However, there is no such thing as a free lunch, and being a Shopify partner does come with some costs.

The most obvious cost of being a Shopify partner is the time investment required to build and maintain your business. While Shopify does provide some training and resources to help you get started, it is ultimately up to you to put in the work required to grow your business. This includes things like creating marketing materials, developing marketing strategies, and providing customer support.

In addition to the time investment, there are also some financial costs associated with being a Shopify partner. For example, if you want to use Shopify’s payment gateway to process credit card payments, you will need to pay a per-transaction fee. There are also costs associated with using Shopify’s point of sale (POS) system, which include monthly fees for using the software and hardware, as well as transaction fees.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about becoming a Shopify partner, be aware that there is no such thing as a “free” Shopify partner. There are costs associated with being a Shopify partner, including but not limited to: paying for your Shopify partner account, paying for Shopify’s commissions on sales made through your partner account, and paying for any other fees or charges that may be incurred while using your partner account. In short, while there are many advantages to being a Shopify partner, there are also some significant costs that should be considered before taking the plunge.

While there are some costs associated with being a Shopify partner, there are also many benefits. For example, as a Shopify partner, you have access to exclusive discounts on Shopify’s products and services.

You also get access to dedicated support from the Shopify team, and can use the Shopify brand to help build trust with potential customers. Overall, being a Shopify partner can be a great way to grow your business – just be aware of the costs involved so you can plan accordingly.

Is It Free to Be a Shopify Partner?

No – while being a Shopify partner does come with some costs, there are also many benefits that make it worth the investment.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.