Web Development » UpWork » How Do I Increase My Connect on UpWork?

How Do I Increase My Connect on UpWork?

Last updated on September 30, 2022 @ 11:02 pm

As a freelancer, one of the best ways to get more work is to have a strong social media presence. Many clients will search for potential freelancers on social media, and if they like what they see, they’ll be more likely to hire you. But how do you make sure that your social media presence is strong enough to attract new clients?

Here are some tips:

1. Create a strong profile

Your profile is one of the first things that potential clients will see when they search for you on social media. Make sure that your profile is up-to-date and includes all relevant information about your skills and experience. You should also include a professional headshot and a link to your website or blog.

2. Share interesting and relevant content

If you want potential clients to take an interest in you, you need to share content that is interesting and relevant to them. Share blog posts, infographics, images, and other types of content that will help you show off your skills and expertise.

3. Be active

In order to attract new clients, you need to be active on social media. That means posting regularly, responding to comments and messages, and engaging in conversations. The more active you are, the more likely it is that potential clients will take notice of you.

4. Use hashtags

Hashtags are a great way to get your content seen by more people. When you use relevant hashtags, your content is more likely to show up in search results. And when more people see your content, there’s a greater chance that some of them will become clients.

5. Promote your services

Make sure that potential clients know that you’re available for hire! Share information about your rates and services, and let people know how they can get in touch with you if they’re interested in working with you.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your social media presence is strong enough to attract new clients. So get started today and watch your business grow!

PRO TIP: If you are considering increasing your connect count on Upwork, be aware that this may result in a decrease in your quality of work. Upwork uses a quality scoring system to determine how well freelancers are doing, and one of the factors in this system is the number of connects a freelancer has. Therefore, if you have a high connect count, but your quality score is low, your account may be suspended or removed.
Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.