Secure Apache with Let’s encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04
Apache is a popular web server used on many corporate networks. Security is a top priority for most organizations, so it is important to secure Apache with Let’s encrypt.
To encrypt Apache with Let’s encrypt, you first need to install the Let’s encrypt software. To install Let’s encrypt on Ubuntu 20.04, you can use the following command:
sudo apt-get install letsencrypt
After installing Let’s encrypt, you need to create a new certificate and key file. To do this, you can use the following commands:
sudo letsencrypt –generate-random-string –full-chain-cert –key
The –generate-random-string command will generate a 40-character long random string. This string will be used to create the certificate and key files.
The –full-chain-cert command will produce a full chain certificate file. This file will include the certificate and key files for the Apache web server.
The –key command will produce a private key file for the Apache web server.
Now, you need to copy the certificate and key files to the Apache web server. To do this, you can use the following commands:
sudo cp letsencrypt/fullchain.pem /etc/apache2/ssl/
sudo cp letsencrypt/key /etc/apache2/ssl/
You also need to add the certificate and key files to the Apache web server’s list of trusted certificates and keys. To do this, you can use the following commands:
sudo a2enmod ssl
sudo acl add ssl /etc/apache2/ssl/
You can now test the encryption by browsing to the Apache web server using your computer’s web browser. You should see a message stating that the website is using the SSL encryption.
To finish securing Apache with Let’s encrypt, you need to configure the Apache web server to use the encrypted connections. To do this, you can use the following commands:
sudo acl set ssl /etc/apache2/ssl/apache.conf
sudo service apache2 restart
Now, any website that you visit on your computer will be encrypted using the Let’s encrypt software. You can also use the following command to check the status of the Apache web server’s encryption:
sudo service apache2 status
If you encounter any problems while using the Let’s encrypt software, you can use the following command to contact the Let’s encrypt support team:
sudo letsencrypt –help.