Hosting » DigitalOcean » How long do DNS records take to update DigitalOcean?

How long do DNS records take to update DigitalOcean?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 2:21 pm

An article about – How long do DNS records take to update DigitalOcean?

One of the most important aspects of running a successful online business is ensuring that your website is accessible from anywhere in the world. This is done by using a DNS server to translate human-readable domain names (like example.

com) into the IP addresses that computers use to find websites.

PRO TIP: DNS records can take up to 48 hours to update on DigitalOcean. This is due to the way that DNS works and is not something that can be changed. If you need your DNS records to update sooner than this, you will need to use a different service.

A DNS server is like a phone book. It contains a list of all the websites that are currently accessible on the internet. Whenever someone types in a domain name (like www.example.

com), the DNS server looks through its database to see if the name is registered with a DNS server. If it is, the DNS server will look up the IP address for that website and return it to the user.

DNS servers are constantly changing and updating their records. This is why it can sometimes take a while for your DNS server to update its information.

On average, it takes about 24 hours for a DNS server to update its records. However, this time can vary depending on the size and complexity of the DNS server.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.