Website Building » WordPress » How do I edit headers and footers in WordPress?

How do I edit headers and footers in WordPress?

Last updated on September 25, 2022 @ 12:03 am

Header and footer editing in WordPress is a fairly simple process. Open the “header.

php” and “footer.php” files in your WordPress site’s root directory, and you’ll see the following:.

The first thing you’ll want to do is identify the areas of your header and footer that you want to edit. In the header.

php file, you’ll want to identify the “header” and “logo” sections. The “header” section contains your site’s main title and logo, while the “logo” section contains your site’s logo if it exists.

In the footer.php file, you’ll want to identify the “copyright” and ” terms of use” sections.

The copyright section contains your copyright notice, while the terms of use section contains your terms of use.

Once you’ve identified the sections you want to edit, you’ll need to open each section in a separate file and begin editing. To edit the header section in the header.php file, for example, you’d open the file in your text editor and begin editing the following lines:

The first line of the footer.php file defines the footer file’s name and location.

The second line of the file defines the template name, which in this case is “Footer.” The third line of the file defines the footer’s content.

The next lines of the footer.php file define the footer’s CSS style. The fourth line of the footer.

php file defines the footer’s JavaScript style.

The last lines of the footer.php file define the footer’s title and copyright information.

The title line contains the footer’s title, while the copyright line contains your site’s copyright notice.

Once you’ve edited the header and footer sections in your WordPress site’s root directory, you’ll need to save the files and return to your site’s administrator panel. There, you’ll need to click the “Headers and Footers” link and select the “Save Changes” button.

WordPress will automatically save the new header and footer files into your site’s root directory.


Editing headers and footers in WordPress is a simple process that you can use to customize your site’s layout. Save the new header and footer files into your site’s root directory and return to your site’s administrator panel to apply the changes.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.