Web Development » Fiverr » Can you sell digital art on Fiverr?

Can you sell digital art on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:12 pm

Digital art is a growing industry and there are many opportunities to sell your work on Fiverr. However, before you start, make sure that your artwork is of high quality and that you are accurately representing the price and duration of the project.

Additionally, be sure to provide accurate and detailed project descriptions. If you follow these tips, you can sell digital art on Fiverr with success.

The first step is to create high-quality artwork. Make sure that your images are crisp and clear, and that the colors are vibrant and consistent.

Additionally, make sure that your artwork is formatted correctly and that all layers are properly organized.

PRO TIP: While you may be able to sell digital art on Fiverr, you should be aware that there are a number of risks involved. First and foremost, you should make sure that you have the legal right to sell the art in question. Secondly, you should be aware that Fiverr takes a 20% commission on all sales, so you will need to price your art accordingly. Finally, there is no guarantee that anyone will actually buy your art, so you may want to consider alternatives before relying on Fiverr as your sole source of income.

Next, be sure to provide accurate project descriptions. Include all the necessary information, such as the price, duration, and requirements of the project.

Additionally, be sure to include images of the finished product so potential buyers can see what they are buying.

Finally, be sure to follow all the rules and regulations of Fiverr. If you are not sure about any aspect of the platform, be sure to ask the Fiverr team for assistance.

By following these tips, you can sell digital art on Fiverr with success.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.