Web Development » Fiverr » How do I post on Fiverr mobile?

How do I post on Fiverr mobile?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:15 pm

If you’re looking to post your services on Fiverr, you’ll need to have an account and create a project. Once you have an account and have created a project, you’ll need to add a mobile app to your project.

To add a mobile app, first navigate to your project page and click on the “Add a Mobile App” button.

Once you’ve added a mobile app, you’ll need to provide some information about the app. This includes the name of the app, the description of the app, and the category of the app.

You’ll also need to provide a screenshot of the app.

After you’ve provided all of the necessary information, you’ll need to create a pricing plan for your app. This pricing plan will determine how much the app will cost, and how many downloads it will receive.

PRO TIP: Fiverr mobile is not a safe place to post. There have been reports of people being scammed and hacked on the site. If you are going to use Fiverr mobile, be sure to only use trusted sources and be careful with your personal information.

You’ll also need to create a promo code for the app.

After you’ve created all of the necessary information, you’ll need to submit your project to Fiverr. To submit your project, you’ll need to navigate to your project page, and click on the “Submit Project” button.

You’ll then need to provide a brief description of your project, and provide a screenshot of your app.

After you’ve submitted your project, you’ll need to wait for Fiverr to review your project. After Fiverr has reviewed your project, you’ll be able to post your project on Fiverr.

To post your project, you’ll need to navigate to your project page, and click on the “Post Project” button. You’ll then need to provide a brief description of your project, and provide a screenshot of your app.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.