Website Building » Squarespace » How Do I Customize CSS in Squarespace?

How Do I Customize CSS in Squarespace?

Last updated on December 24, 2022 @ 2:23 pm

There are many ways to customize CSS in Squarespace. One way is to use the built-in Custom CSS editor.

This editor can be found in the Design tab of the Site Manager. To use this editor, simply click on the CSS tab and then enter your CSS code into the text area.

Another way to customize CSS in Squarespace is to use the Code Injection feature. This feature can be found in the Advanced tab of the Site Manager. To use this feature, simply enter your CSS code into the text area and click the Save button.

If you want more control over your CSS, you can also create a custom CSS file. To do this, simply create a new file in your site’s assets folder and name it “custom.css”.

PRO TIP: Squarespace offers a CSS Editor that allows you to make changes to your site’s design. However, it is important to note that modifying CSS can cause unexpected results and may break certain features of your site. Before making any changes, we recommend creating a backup of your site.

Then, add your CSS code to this file and save it. Finally, include this file in your site’s HTML by adding the following code to the <head> section of your site’s templates:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/assets/custom.css">

The above method will give you the most control over your CSS, but it requires some knowledge of HTML and CSS. If you’re not comfortable with coding, we recommend using one of the other methods described above.

How Do I Customize CSS in Squarespace? – There are many ways to customize CSS in Squarespace depending on how much control you want over your website’s design.

The most basic way is to use the built-in Custom CSS editor which can be found in the Design tab of the Site Manager. For more advanced users, creating a custom CSS file gives you complete control over your website’s look and feel.

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.