Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Create a Variation in WooCommerce?

How Do I Create a Variation in WooCommerce?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:07 pm

When it comes to online shopping, one size does not always fit all. Customers may want different colors, sizes, or even styles of the same product.

This is where product variations come in handy on WooCommerce. By creating variations of a product, you can offer customers more options and ultimately increase sales.

Product variations are created in the Product Data section of a product page. To create a variation, first select theVariation tab then click the Add Variationbutton. You will then see the Add New Variation form where you can set the product attributes for your variation.

There are three types of product attributes that can be used to create variations:

  • Color: If your product comes in different colors, you can use this attribute to create variations for each color.
  • Size: If your product comes in different sizes, you can use this attribute to create variations for each size.

  • Style: If your product comes in different styles, you can use this attribute to create variations for each style.
  • Once you have selected the attributes for your variation, you can then set a regular price and sale price for the variation. You can also add a description, image, and other data just like you would for a regular product. When you are finished, simply click the Save Changesbutton.

    PRO TIP: If you are considering creating a variation in WooCommerce, be aware that there are some potential risks involved.

    First of all, if you create a variation and then later decide to delete it, any products that were using that variation will be deleted as well. So if you’re not sure you want to commit to a variation, it’s best to create a duplicate first, experiment with it, and then delete the duplicate if you decide you don’t want it after all.

    Secondly, be careful when creating variations with similar names. If two variations have the same name (even if they have different values), only one of them will be displayed in the front-end interface. So if you want to make sure that both variations are available to customers, make sure to give them different names.

    Now that you know how to create variations for your products, it’s time to start offering more options to your customers and increasing your sales!

    How Do I Create a Variation in WooCommerce?

    By following the steps above, you can easily add variations to your products in WooCommerce and offer more options to your customers. This will help increase sales and ultimately grow your business.

    Drew Clemente

    Drew Clemente

    Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.