Website Building » Shopify » What Should Be My Shopify Store Name?

What Should Be My Shopify Store Name?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:15 pm

Your shop’s name is one of the first things that customers will notice about your business. It’s important to choose a name that not only reflects the products or services that you sell, but one that will also help you stand out from the competition and be remembered by potential customers.

When choosing a name for your shop, there are a few things to keep in mind:

PRO TIP: When choosing a Shopify store name, avoid using personal names, geographic locations, or other terms that could be easily trademarked or copyrighted. Instead, opt for something unique and memorable that will help you stand out from the crowd.
  • Make it unique: Choose a name that is not already being used by another business. This will help you avoid any legal issues down the road and make it easier for customers to find your shop online.
  • Make it descriptive: A good name should give customers an idea of what they can expect to find at your shop.

    If you sell vintage clothes, for example, you might want to include the word “vintage” in your shop’s name.

  • Make it catchy: A name that is easy to remember and pronounce is more likely to stick in a customer’s mind than a complicated or boring one. Try to avoid using numbers or hyphens in your shop’s name.

Once you’ve chosen a name for your shop, be sure to register it with the appropriate government agencies so that no one else can use it. You’ll also want to secure the domain name and set up social media accounts using your new shop’s name.


Your shop’s name is one of the first things customers will notice. It is important to choose a name that accurately reflects what you sell while also standing out from other businesses.

Keep in mind that the best names are unique, descriptive, and catchy. After choosing a name, be sure to register it with government agencies and secure the domain name. Your new shop will be off to a great start!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.