Website Building » Squarespace » What Is Squarespace Nameserver?

What Is Squarespace Nameserver?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 5:21 am

Squarespace is a website builder and hosting provider that offers a suite of tools to create and maintain a website. One of the features Squarespace offers is the ability to use custom DNS servers, or nameservers.

Squarespace Nameservers can be used to point your domain name to your Squarespace website. This is done by changing the DNS records for your domain name to use the Squarespace Nameservers.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the answer to this question is potentially dangerous and should not be acted upon without consulting a qualified expert. Squarespace nameserver information can be used to gain unauthorized access to websites and servers, and can also be used to spoof DNS information. This can lead to serious security implications, including data loss and theft, and can also be used to launch denial of service attacks.

The Squarespace Nameservers are:

  • NS1.Squarespace.COM
  • NS2.COM

To use the Squarespace Nameservers, you will need to login to your Squarespace account and go to the Domains section. From there, you can add your domain name and set the Nameservers to be used.

The Squarespace Nameserver is a DNS server that points your domain name to your Squarespace website. You can use the Squarespace Nameserver by changing the DNS records for your domain name to use the Squarespace Nameservers.

TheSquarespace Nameservers are:
To use the Squarespace Nameserver, you will need to login to your Squarespace account and go to the Domains section.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.