Website Building » Wix » Why Do My Wix Emails Go to Spam?

Why Do My Wix Emails Go to Spam?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:49 am

If you’re a Wix user, you may have noticed that your emails are sometimes sent to spam. This can be frustrating, especially if you’re trying to communicate with potential customers or clients. Here’s a look at why this happens and what you can do about it.

One reason your Wix emails may be going to spam is because of the way Wix handles outgoing mail. Wix uses what’s called a “smart host” to send email on your behalf.


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This means that when you send an email from your Wix account, it goes through Wix’s servers first. Unfortunately, this can sometimes trigger spam filters.

Another reason your Wix emails may be going to spam is because of the content of your emails. If you’re including links or images in your emails, these can sometimes trigger spam filters. Be sure to check the content of your emails before sending them to make sure they’re not triggering any filters.

PRO TIP: If you are using a Wix email account and your emails are going to spam, there are a few possible reasons. First, check to see if your email address is on the Wix spam list. If it is, you will need to remove it and then add it again. If your email address is not on the Wix spam list, check your email settings to make sure that you are not accidentally sending your emails to spam.

Finally, if you’re using a free Wix account, your emails may be more likely to go to spam. This is because free accounts are often used by spammers. If you’re using a free account and having trouble with email deliverability, consider upgrading to a paid account.

If you’re having trouble with your Wix emails going to spam, there are a few things you can do about it. First, check the content of your emails and make sure they’re not triggering any filters.

Second, upgrade to a paid Wix account if you’re using a free account. And finally, contact Wix support for help troubleshooting the issue.

There are several reasons why your Wix emails might go straight to spam. One is that Wix uses what’s called a “smart host” to send email on your behalf, which can sometimes trigger spam filters.

Another possibility is that the content of your email includes links or images that are setting off red flags for spam filters. Finally, if you have a free Wix account, know that these are often Targeted by spammers and thus have more difficulty getting through to inboxes. To improve your chances of success, try upgrading to a paid account and/or being mindful of the type of content you include in messages.

Dale Leydon

Dale Leydon

Sysadmin turned Javascript developer. Owner of 20+ apps graveyard, and a couple of successful ones.