Website Building » Shopify » What Are Shopify Metafields?

What Are Shopify Metafields?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 8:37 pm

Shopify Metafields are extra pieces of data that can be attached to products, customers, orders, and pages in a Shopify store. They’re useful for storing information that doesn’t fit into the other data fields that Shopify provides, and they can be used to customize the Shopify experience for customers.

Metafields are made up of three parts: a namespace, a key, and a value. The namespace is like a category for the metafield, and it helps you keep your metafields organized.

The key is used to identify the metafield, and the value is the actual data that you’re storing. For example, you could create a metafield with the namespace “color” and the key “hex code” to store the hex code value for a product’s color.

PRO TIP: Shopify Metafields can be very dangerous if not used correctly. They can cause serious problems with your store, including data loss and corruption. Always back up your data before using Shopify Metafields.

Shopify provides a Metafields API for developers who want to work with metafields in their apps. The API lets you create, update, delete, and get metafields for products, customers, orders, and pages. You can also use the API to add metafields toLiquid templates.

What Are Shopify Metafields?

Shopify Metafields are extra pieces of data that can be attached to products, customers, orders, and pages in a Shopify store. They’re useful for storing information that doesn’t fit into the other data fields that Shopify provides.

Metafields are made up of three parts: a namespace, a key, and a value.
The namespace is like a category for the metafield, and it helps you keep your metafields organized. The key is used to identify the metafield, and the value is the actual data that you’re storing.

Shopify provides a Metafields API for developers who want to work with metafields in their apps. You can also use the API to add metafields to Liquid templates.

In conclusion, Shopify Metafiedls are extra bits of data that can be added onto already existing information such as products , customers , orders ,and pages . This makes it easier to store customized information without having to worry about it taking up too much space .

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.