Website Building » Squarespace » How Many Emails Can I Send With Squarespace?

How Many Emails Can I Send With Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 6:59 am

Email is a critical part of any online business. It’s how you stay in touch with your customers and prospects, and it’s how you deliver important information about your products and services.

But how many emails can you send with Squarespace? And what are the best practices for using email with Squarespace?

How Many Emails Can I Send With Squarespace?

The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including the size of your list, the number of emails you send per month, and the type of account you have with Squarespace.

If you have a small list (under 1,000 subscribers), and you’re sending a few emails per month (less than 10,000), then you can use Squarespace’s Email Campaigns feature to send your emails. This is included in all Squarespace plans.

If you have a larger list, or you’re sending more than 10,000 emails per month, then you’ll need to use an external email service like MailChimp or Constant Contact. These services allow you to send an unlimited number of emails.

PRO TIP: If you are planning to use Squarespace to send a large number of emails, be aware that there are limits in place. You may only send a maximum of 200 emails per day, and each email can be no larger than 10MB. If you need to send more than 200 emails per day, you will need to upgrade your account.

What Are The Best Practices For Using Email With Squarespace?

There are a few things to keep in mind when using email with Squarespace:

  • Use A Professional Email Address:

It’s important to use a professional email address when sending emails from Squarespace. This will ensure that your messages are delivered to the inbox, and that they look good when they arrive there.

  • Don’t Send Spam:

Of course, this should go without saying, but it’s worth repeating: don’t send spam. Not only is it bad for your reputation, but it can get you into trouble with Squarespace (and your ISP).

  • Design Your Emails For The Inbox:

When designing your emails, keep in mind that they’ll be viewed in a variety of inboxes – Gmail, Yahoo!, Hotmail, etc. – so make sure your design looks good in all of them.

  • Test Your Emails Before You Send Them:

Finally, always test your emails before you send them out to your entire list. Send yourself a test message to make sure everything looks right, and that all the links work.

In conclusion, the number of emails you can send with Squarespace depends on several factors including the size of your list and the number of emails you send per month. If you have a small list and only need to send a few emails per month, then the Email Campaigns feature included in all Squarespace plans will suffice.

However, if you have a larger list or need to send more than 10,000 emails per month then an external email service like MailChimp or Constant Contact must be used. Additionally, there are best practices to follow when using email with Squarespace such as using a professional email address and designing emails for the inbox which take into account various inbox providers such as Gmail or Yahoo!. Finally always test your emails before sending them out by sending yourself a test message first.

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.