Website Building » Shopify » What Does Shopify Plus Include?

What Does Shopify Plus Include?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:30 pm

Shopify Plus is the enterprise version of Shopify, and is designed for high volume merchants who need a scalable, reliable platform to run their business. Shopify Plus includes all of the features of Shopify, plus a few extra features that are designed for enterprise users.

Some of the extra features that Shopify Plus include are:

– A dedicated account manager: You will have a dedicated account manager who will help you with any questions or problems that you have.

– Priority support: You will have priority support, so if you have any problems, you can get help fast.

PRO TIP: Shopify Plus is a platform for high-volume merchants. It includes features that are not available on other Shopify plans. These features include:

– Custom checkout
– Custom themes
– Unlimited staff accounts
– Advanced report builder
– Third-party app integrations

If you are considering using Shopify Plus for your business, be sure to understand all the features and limitations before making a commitment.

– Custom plans: You can customise your plan to suit your needs.

– No transaction fees: Shopify Plus does not charge any transaction fees, so you can save money on every sale.

– Unlimited products and bandwidth: You can add as many products as you want, and there are no limits on bandwidth or traffic.

Shopify Plus is the perfect solution for high volume merchants who need a scalable, reliable platform to run their business. With its dedicated account manager, priority support, custom plans, and no transaction fees, Shopify Plus has everything you need to take your business to the next level.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.