Website Building » Squarespace » What Are the Name Servers for Squarespace?

What Are the Name Servers for Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:12 am

If you’re looking to use Squarespace to build your website, you’ll need to know what the name servers are. Here’s a quick rundown of what they are and how to use them.

Name servers are essentially the address book of the internet. They keep track of which domain names are associated with which IP addresses. When you type in a domain name, the name servers will direct your computer to the correct IP address so that you can view the website.

In order to use Squarespace, you’ll need to point your domain name to Squarespace’s name servers. This will allow Squarespace to host your website and ensure that your domain name is properly connected to your Squarespace site.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that the answer to this question may be out of date, as the name servers for Squarespace can change over time. Always check with Squarespace’s customer support to get the most up-to-date information.

To do this, you’ll need to log in to your domain registrar’s account and update the name server records. Each registrar has a different process for doing this, so you’ll need to consult your registrar’s documentation for specific instructions.

Once you’ve updated the name server records, it can take up to 48 hours for the changes to propagate across the internet. After that, your Squarespace site will be live and accessible at your domain name.

So there you have it – that’s all you need to know about usingSquarespace with your own domain name. With just a few quick steps, you can be up and running in no time!

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.