Website Building » Squarespace » What Is an Index in Squarespace?

What Is an Index in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:18 am

An index is a list of terms and their associated page numbers. In Squarespace, an index is generated automatically for each page, and you can customize the look and feel of your site’s index through the Index Pages panel.

The Index Pages panel contains options for specifying the number of columns, the gutter width, and the background color. You can also choose to display an index as a list or a grid.

If you choose to display an index as a list, you can specify the number of items per page and whether to display pagination controls.

PRO TIP: This article is about how to use an index in Squarespace. It is not a comprehensive guide to all things index-related. If you’re looking for a more general overview of indexes, we recommend checking out our Indexes 101 article.

Once you’ve customized the look and feel of your site’s index, you can add content to it by creating new pages or linking to existing pages. To create a new page, click the + icon in the Index Pages panel. To link to an existing page, hover over the page in the Site Map and click the link icon that appears.

What Is an Index in Squarespace?

An index is a list of terms and their associated page numbers.

The Index Pages panel contains options for specifying the number of columns, the gutter width, and the background color. If you choose to display an index as a list, you can specify the number of items per page and whether to display pagination controls.

Once you’ve customized the look and feel of your site’s index, you can add content to it by creating new pages or linking to existing pages.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.