Website Building » Squarespace » What Language Is Squarespace Built On?

What Language Is Squarespace Built On?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 7:20 am

Squarespace is a website builder and hosting platform that allows users to create and maintain professional-looking websites. The platform is written in Java and uses the Apache Wicket web application framework.

Squarespace also uses the Less CSS pre-processor, the Bootstrap front-end framework, and the Google Closure Tools JavaScript library.

PRO TIP: While Squarespace is a popular website builder, it is important to be aware that it is built on a proprietary platform. This means that users are locked into using Squarespace and cannot export their data or move their website to another platform. Additionally, because the platform is proprietary, users do not have access to the source code and cannot customize their website beyond the limited options provided by Squarespace.

While Squarespace’s backend is primarily written in Java, the company makes use of a number of different programming languages to power its various features and functions. For example, Squarespace Commerce is powered by the Liquid templating language, which is used to generate HTML pages on the fly. The search engine used by Squarespace is written in Python, while the image processing system utilizes the ImageMagick library, which is written in C.

Overall, Squarespace is a very powerful and versatile website builder that can be used to create everything from simple personal blogs to complex ecommerce sites. While the platform is primarily written in Java, it makes use of a number of different programming languages to power its various features and functions.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.