Web Development » Fiverr » How do I recover my temporarily disabled account on Fiverr?

How do I recover my temporarily disabled account on Fiverr?

Last updated on September 24, 2022 @ 10:35 pm

If you have had your Fiverr account temporarily disabled, there are steps that you can take to get your account back up and running.

First, try to contact Fiverr directly. If you have been unable to reach them, you can try emailing support@Fiverr.

com. .

If you still have problems getting in touch with Fiverr, you can try reaching out to the Fiverr community for help. You can find Fiverr’s community on their website or on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter.

PRO TIP: If your Fiverr account has been temporarily disabled, it is most likely due to a violation of our Terms of Service. We do not offer support for accounts that have been suspended for violating our Terms of Service. If you believe your account was suspended in error, you can contact us through our Appeals Form.

If you still have problems getting in touch with Fiverr or the community, you can try reaching out to the Help Center. The Help Center is a resource for customers who have questions or problems with their accounts.

If you have reached the end of your options and your account still isn’t working, you can try filing a support ticket. This will help us investigate what is wrong with your account and help us fix it as quickly as possible.

In conclusion, if you have had your Fiverr account temporarily disabled, there are steps that you can take to get your account back up and running. If you are unable to reach Fiverr or the community, you can try emailing support@Fiverr.

com, reaching out to the Fiverr community on social media, or filing a support ticket.

Drew Clemente

Drew Clemente

Devops & Sysadmin engineer. I basically build infrastructure online.