Website Building » Shopify » How Do You Split Payout on Shopify?

How Do You Split Payout on Shopify?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 11:29 pm

There are a few different ways that you can split payout on Shopify. The most common way is to use a Shopify app like Payout Splitter. This app will allow you to specify how much of the sale price you want to go to each party.

PRO TIP: If you are thinking about splitting payout on Shopify, be warned that this is not an advisable course of action. There are a number of reasons why splitting payout can be problematic, including:

1. It can complicate your accounting and make it more difficult to track your finances.

2. It can create problems with your payment processor, as they may not be able to process split payments.

3. It can increase your risk of fraud or chargebacks, as each party will have their own payment information on file.

4. Finally, it can simply be confusing for customers, leading to confusion and potential frustration.

Overall, it is best to avoid splitting payout on Shopify if at all possible. If you absolutely must do so, be sure to take the time to understand the risks and challenges involved before proceeding.

Another way to split payout is to use a Shopify theme that has built-in support for multiple vendors. These themes will automatically split the payout between the vendors based on the products they sell.

Finally, you can always contact Shopify support and ask them to split the payout for you manually. This is usually only necessary if you have a very complex setup with multiple vendors selling different products.

Madison Geldart

Madison Geldart

Cloud infrastructure engineer and tech mess solver.