Website Building » WooCommerce » How Do I Customize My WooCommerce Checkout Page in Divi?

How Do I Customize My WooCommerce Checkout Page in Divi?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 11:39 pm

Customizing your WooCommerce checkout page in Divi is easy! Simply navigate to the Divi Theme Builder, create a new template, and select the WooCommerce Checkout Page as your content type.

Then, use the Divi Builder to drag and drop the elements you want to include on your page. You can also use the settings panel to customize the colors, fonts, and other style elements of your checkout page.

Once you have designed your checkout page, simply publish your template and voila! Your new checkout page will be live on your site.

There are a few things to keep in mind when customizing your WooCommerce checkout page in Divi. First, make sure that you have the latest version of Divi installed.

Second, be sure to create a backup of your site before making any changes. And third, if you need any help, our team is always here to assist!

How Do I Customize My WooCommerce Checkout Page in Divi?

Customizing your WooCommerce checkout page in Divi is easy! Simply navigate to the Divi Theme Builder, create a new template, and select the WooCommerce Checkout Page as your content type.

Once you have designed your checkout page, simply publish your template and voila! Your new checkout page will be live on your site.

PRO TIP: If you are not familiar with coding or working with WooCommerce, we recommend that you consult with a developer before proceeding. Customizing your WooCommerce checkout page in Divi can be a complex process, and things can quickly go wrong if you’re not careful.

There are a few things to keep in mind when customizing your WooCommerce checkout page in Divi. First, make sure that you have the latest version of Divi installed.

Second, be sure to create a backup of your site before making any changes. And third, if you need any help, our team is always here to assist!

Kathy McFarland

Kathy McFarland

Devops woman in trade, tech explorer and problem navigator.