Website Building » Squarespace » What Can a Contributor Do in Squarespace?

What Can a Contributor Do in Squarespace?

Last updated on October 1, 2022 @ 9:42 am

As a Squarespace contributor, you have a few different options for how you can help contribute to the site. You can write articles, create how-to videos, or design templates. You can also help translate articles into other languages, or moderate the forums.

If you’re interested in writing articles, you can become a Squarespace Author. Authors can write about anything related to Squarespace, whether it’s a how-to guide, an tips and tricks article, or an in-depth look at a specific feature. To become an Author, sign up for a free Author account.

If you’re interested in creating how-to videos, you can become a Squarespace Video Creator. Video Creators produce short, concise videos that show viewers how to do specific tasks in Squarespace. To become a Video Creator, sign up for a free Video Creator account.

If you’re interested in template design, you can become a Squarespace Template Designer. Template Designers create beautiful, responsive templates that customers can use to build their own websites. To become a Template Designer, sign up for a free Template Designer account.

If you’re interested in translating articles into other languages, you can become a Squarespace Translator. Translators take existing articles and translate them into other languages so that more people can enjoy Squarespace content from around the world. To become a Translator, sign up for a free Translator account.

If you’re interested in moderating the forums, you can become a Squarespace Forum Moderator. Forum Moderators help keep the forums organized and tidy, and they also answer questions and help people troubleshoot issues. To become a Forum Moderator, sign up for a free Forum Moderator account.

PRO TIP: Please be aware that a contributor in Squarespace can:

-add and edit content
-change site settings
-manage ecommerce orders
-view site analytics
-manage blog posts and comments

If you are not comfortable with someone having this level of access to your Squarespace site, please do not add them as a contributor.

As you can see, there are many different ways that you can contribute to Squarespace as a contributor. No matter what your interests or skills are, there’s sure to be a way that you can help out.

So what are you waiting for? Sign up for an account today and start contributing!

Morgan Bash

Morgan Bash

Technology enthusiast and Co-Founder of Women Coders SF.